We are like a match in the dark.

Jesus did not come to make us safe, He came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. We go into the world to bring light to the darkness through worship music. We want to see people illuminate with the light of Christ.

It's not about us.

This is for the Lord's renown. We are simply doing our part to serve and help the nations know Jesus. It's all for His glory. Everything we do is infused with eternal importance; therefore, every detail deserves enthusiasm, passion, and excellence.

We're all in.

This is not our ministry, it's God's. We trust God to do what only He can do and we rely on His inspiration, creativity, and provision to do our part.

We aim to go where no man has gone before.

This is uncharted territory but we are not afraid. We believe our lives were made for more and we are trusting God for the impossible. The stakes are high and time is short, so we won't back down.

We tremble before God's Word.

It's alive.

We bow before the battle.

We are weak. He is strong.

We're better together.

We're all about unity. We understand we can make a much bigger impact by coming together with various ministries and organizations.

Worship is universal.

Everyone that has experienced the Holy Spirit move in their hearts through a song understands how God uses music to meet us right where we are with exactly what we need. Music is our common language.

We love the local church.

This is all for the saving of many lives. Our prayer is that as a result of our music and its ministry, the local church is built up and new churches are planted.

We believe the greatest leadership is service to others.

We pour our lives into this ministry to serve and make an impact for the Kingdom. Ministry is not a job, it's a lifestyle. We respect and honor those who lead us, those we serve, and those we serve alongside.